Crain Hyundai Of Fayetteville

Jan 2, 2024
New Year's Resolutions at Crain Hyundai of Fayetteville.

Figuring out a New Year’s resolution can be a difficult task. You have to figure out what it is you’d like to work on. Think back over the past year and make a list of things you’d like to have done but didn’t get to. That’s a great place to start figuring out how to choose a resolution for you.

We’re always trying to come up with different ideas and tips to help make our customers feel confident about driving their Hyundai Kona or Santa Cruz. When it comes to resolutions, we at Crain Hyundai of Fayetteville thought it might be helpful to suggest some driving-related resolutions to help you all year long.

Drive a New Hyundai in 2024 from Crain Hyundai of Fayetteville 

If you’re like most people, you are online most of the day. Reading, researching, responding. Whatever it is you’re doing, you’re probably on your phone. When you step into your Hyundai, you should not be on your phone. We think one great idea for a resolution is to pay attention and stay alert while driving your Tucson.

The easiest way to not be distracted by your phone is to put it in time-out. What we mean is, to put your phone away from you in the glove compartment or in the backseat so you’re less likely to reach for it. If you do go searching for it, you’ll be reminded why it’s there in the first place, and you’ll remember your resolution to have zero distractions while driving.

One reason we want to use our phones while driving is because we’re all so busy. We think that if we can just read that email or order that gift all while driving, then we’ll be ahead of the game. The sad reality is that if you end up in a wreak, was that online shopping really worth it? Especially if you injure yourself or someone else?

If you get the luxury of driving alone, take that sacred time for yourself. Since your phone is locked away, and your hands-free Bluetooth is activated, you can focus solely on the road. Play your favorite music or podcast and think about the day ahead. If you do have passengers, talk to them. Yes. In real life. Discuss your day.

Available for You Now at Crain Hyundai of Fayetteville is the Hyundai Car Care Express

Make sure to contact us if you have any questions or if you’d like to test drive any new Hyundai models. We also have used cars, trucks, SUVs, and vans available now at Crain Hyundai of Fayetteville at 1919 West Foxglove Drive.

Don’t Get Stuck! Find Out About 24/7 Roadside Assistance with Hyundai Assurance

If you have any questions about how to use hands-free Bluetooth services in your Hyundai, just let us know, and we can set it up for you. We’ll make sure you understand it completely before you leave the lot. Making sure you drive safely is our main goal at Crain Hyundai of Fayetteville. Good luck with your New Year’s resolutions—Happy 2024!